Stomata in bryophytes

Stomata and atmospheric CO2 in bryophytes


Stomatal abund­ance has been widely used to recon­struct palaeo-atmospheres, but there is a view that early-diverging clades of vas­cu­lar land plants may dif­fer in their respons­ive­ness to atmo­spheric CO2. Field et al. grow a num­ber of horn­worts and moss sporo­phytes with con­trast­ing sto­matal mor­pho­lo­gies under dif­fer­ent atmo­spheric CO2 con­cen­tra­tions rep­res­ent­ing both cur­rent and ancient atmo­spheres, and find that dens­it­ies and dimen­sions are mostly unaf­fected by changes in CO2.

Read the full text: AoB Blog

Published by

Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.

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