Leaf water potential and stomatal conductance (gs)

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Control of stomatal conductance by leaf water potential in Hymenoclea salsola (T. & G.), a desert subshrub

by Comstock J. P., Mencuccini M. (1998)

in Plant, Cell & Environment 21: 10291038. – 

AbstractFull Article (HTML)PDF(594K)ReferencesWeb of Science® Times Cited: 64.

(a) Stomata usually open in response to the blue light of sunlight. (b) Stomata usually close in response to lack of sunlight. They can also close during the day under conditions of water stress, which induces plants to produce more of the hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Stomatal guard cell plasma membranes possess ABA receptors, which receive the drought signal. - http://biology-forums.com/gallery/33_25_07_11_12_56_44.jpeg
(a) Stomata usually open in response to the blue light of sunlight. (b) Stomata usually close in response to lack of sunlight. They can also close during the day under conditions of water stress, which induces plants to produce more of the hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Stomatal guard cell plasma membranes possess ABA receptors, which receive the drought signal. – http://biology-forums.com/gallery/33_25_07_11_12_56_44.jpeg


The role of leaf water potential in controlling stomatal conductance (gs) was examined in the desert subshrub Hymenoclea salsola. For plants operating at high irradiance, stomatal closure in response to high leaf-air humidity gradient (D) was largely reversed by soil pressurization.

Stomatal re-opening eliminated, on average, 89% of the closure normally induced by high D. Transpiration rates (E) reached under these conditions were far higher than maximal rates normally observed at any point of the D response.

In situ stem psychrometry indicated that water flux at all times conformed to a simple Ohm’s-law analogy. Under conditions of high D, Eincreased substantially in response to soil pressurization. Stomatal regulation did not constrain E during this treatment, but did result in nearly constant minimum leaf water potentials.

Published by

Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.

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