Stomata in Catharanthus

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Catharanthus roseus

Stomatal diversities in Catharanthus roseus (L. ) G. Don – some additional information.

by Baruah A., Nath S. C. (1996)

Akhil Ranjan Baruah,

Suthan C. Nath

in Phytomorphology. 46. 365-369. 23 – stomatal types recorded. No SEMs. –

A total of twenty three stomatal types has been recorded in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. Syn. Vinca rosea L., a member of the family Apocynaceae.
Amongst them, fourteen types are new to the species, nine to the family and two, named as “Axillodicytic” and “Giant Axillodicytic” to the plant kingdom, which might have been formed as a result of abnormal ontogeny.
Two types of pole to pole contiguous stomata previously considered as one have also been characterized separately in this investigation. The most frequent type is, however, the anomocytic with 3-4 adjacent epidermal cells.

Stomata in Cinnamomum (dicots)

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Cinnamomum camphora

Foliar epidermal characters in twelve species of Cinnamomum schaeffer (Lauraceae) from Northeastern India

by Baruah A., Nath S.C. (1997)

Akhil Baruah, Suthan C. Nath

in Phytomorphology, Vol. 47, Issue 2, April 1997, Pages 127-134


Foliar epidermal characters of twelve species of Cinnamomum Schaeffer growing in Northeastern India were examined. The data on epidermal cell wall nature, stomata, trichomes and number of epidermal cells per mm2, length and breadth of epidermal cell, number of stomata per mm2 and stomatal index was found to be very useful in deciphering the individual species except in C. tamala and C. impressinervium. The leaves are hypostomatic in all the species investigated. Three types of stomata – paracytic in C. camphora and C. parthenoxylon; both paracytic and rarely pericytic in C. cecicodaphne and C. glanduliferum, while the other eight species bear sunken type. Few rare but interesting forms of paracytic and sunken stomata are also observed in some members.

See the text: Scopus