Stomatal size, density and responsiveness to desiccation

Smaller stomata require less severe leaf drying to close: A case study in Rosa hydrida

Gebraegziabher H. G., Kjær K. H., Fanourakis D. (2013)

Gebraegziabher Habtamu Giday, Kjær Katrine Heinsvig, Fanourakis D.,


DEFF Research Database (Denmark) –

Stomata formed at high relative air humidity (RH) close less as leaf dries; an effect that varies depending on the genotype. We here quantified the contribution of each stomatal response characteristic to the higher water loss of high RH-grown plants, and assessed the relationship between response…… characteristics and intraspecific variation in stomatal size. Stomatal size (length multiplied by width), density and responsiveness to desiccation, as well as pore dimensions were analyzed in ten rose cultivars grown at moderate (60%) or high (85%) RH. Leaf morphological components and transpiration at growth…… conditions were also assessed. High growth RH resulted in thinner (11%) leaves with larger area. A strong positive genetic correlation of daytime and nighttime transpiration at either RH was observed. Stomatal size determined pore area (r = 0.7) and varied by a factor of two, as a result of proportional…

Plant water loss can be used as a screening criterion for enhanced stomatal responsiveness only at moderate RH conditions

Cultivar differences in plant transpiration rate at high relative air humidity are not related to genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness

Giday H. , Kjaer K. H., Ottosen C.-O., Fanourakis D., (2013)

Acta Horticulturae 1064(1064):99–106 – DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1064.12


Plants grown at high relative air humidity (RH) often show disturbed water relations due to less responsive stomata. The attenuation of stomatal responsiveness as a result of high RH during leaf expansion depends on the cultivar. We hypothesized that tolerant cultivars to high RH experience a lower decline in plant transpiration by high RH, and that the variation in plant transpiration rate can be reflected by differences in leaf temperature (Tleaf). Plant leaf area, stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, together with plant transpiration and leaf temperature at growth conditions were analyzed in ten rose cultivars grown at moderate (60%) or high (85%) RH. Plants grown at high RH had a larger (9%) leaf area, and transpired less (45-50%) during the light period. At nighttime, plant transpiration decreased (28-49%) by high RH in three or four cultivars, depending on the light conditions. Within a given cultivar, Tleaf was generally higher, (1.5-3.7°C) at high as compared to moderate RH. Following desiccation, leaf weight loss was differentially enhanced (8-66%) in high RH-grown plants, indicating a wide variation in high RH tolerance. High RH mainly decreased plant water loss during the light period, though tolerant cultivars experienced the same decrease in plant transpiration with sensitive ones. Cultivars with more responsive stomata transpired less at moderate RH, whereas stomatal responsiveness was not related to plant transpiration at high RH. Therefore, plant water loss can be used as a screening criterion for enhanced stomatal responsiveness only at moderate RH conditions, while genotypic variation in plant water loss is not detectable by Tleaf differences.

Most species lose stomatal function following mid-term (4-7 d) exposure to high RH following leaf expansion

Stomatal behavior following mid- or long-term exposure to high relative air humidity: A review

Fanourakis D., Aliniaeifard S., Sellin A., Giday H., Körner O., Rezaei Nejad A., Delis C., Bouranis D., Koubouris G., Kambourakis E., Nikoloudakis N., Tsaniklidis G., (2020)

Dimitrios Fanourakis 1Sasan Aliniaeifard 2Arne Sellin 3Habtamu Giday 4Oliver Körner 5Abdolhossein Rezaei Nejad 6Costas Delis 7Dimitris Bouranis 8Georgios Koubouris 9Emmanouil Kambourakis 10Nikolaos Nikoloudakis 11Georgios Tsaniklidis 12

  • 1 Department of Agriculture, School of Agricultural Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Estavromenos, GR-71500, Heraklion, Greece; Giannakakis SA, Export Fruits and Vegetables, Tympaki, Greece. Electronic address:
  • 2Department of Horticulture, College of Aburaihan, University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Tehran, Iran.
  • 3Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Lai 40, Tartu, 51005, Estonia.
  • 4International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, ICBA, P.O. Box 14660, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • 5Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), Grossbeeren, Germany.
  • 6Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, P.O. Box 465, Khorramabad, Iran.
  • 7Department of Agriculture, University of the Peloponnese, GR-24100, Kalamata, Greece.
  • 8Plant Physiology and Morphology Laboratory, Crop Science Department, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
  • 9Laboratory of Olive Cultivation, Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture, Hellenic Agricultural Organization Demeter, Crete, Greece.
  • 10Department of Agriculture, School of Agricultural Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Estavromenos, GR-71500, Heraklion, Greece.
  • 11Cyprus University of Technology, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science, Cyprus.
  • 12Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Plants and Viticulture, Hellenic Agricultural Organization ‘Demeter’ (NAGREF), P.O. Box 2228, 71003, Heraklio, Greece.


Plant Physiol Biochem. 153: 92-105 – doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.05.024 – Epub 2020 May 24 – PMID: 32485617 –


High relative air humidity (RH ≥ 85%) is frequent in controlled environments, and not uncommon in nature. In this review, we examine the high RH effects on plants with a special focus on stomatal characters. All aspects of stomatal physiology are attenuated by elevated RH during leaf expansion (long-term) in C3 species. These include impaired opening and closing response, as well as weak diel oscillations. Consequently, the high RH-grown plants are not only vulnerable to biotic and abiotic stress, but also undergo a deregulation between CO2 uptake and water loss. Stomatal behavior of a single leaf is determined by the local microclimate during expansion, and may be different than the remaining leaves of the same plant. No effect of high RH is apparent in C4 and CAM species, while the same is expected for species with hydropassive stomatal closure. Formation of bigger stomata with larger pores is a universal response to high RH during leaf expansion, whereas the effect on stomatal density appears to be species- and leaf side-specific. Compelling evidence suggests that ABA mediates the high RH-induced stomatal malfunction, as well as the stomatal size increase. Although high RH stimulates leaf ethylene evolution, it remains elusive whether or not this contributes to stomatal malfunction. Most species lose stomatal function following mid-term (4-7 d) exposure to high RH following leaf expansion. Consequently, the regulatory role of ambient humidity on stomatal functionality is not limited to the period of leaf expansion, but holds throughout the leaf life span.

Genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness

Photo credit: NCBI

Transpiration rate as a function of relative water content (RWC) during leaflet desiccation of four pot rose cultivars grown at moderate (60 %, open symbols) or high (90 %, closed symbols) relative air humidity. Leaflets were left to desiccate for 4 h. Values are means of nine leaflets ± SEM.

Foliar abscisic acid content underlies genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness after growth at high relative air humidity

by Giday H., Fanourakis D., Kjaer K. H., Fomsgaard I. S., Ottosen C.-O. (2013a)

in Ann. Bot. 112(9): 1857-1867

(CrossRef, Medline).



Stomata formed at high relative air humidity (RH) respond less to abscisic acid (ABA), an effect that varies widely between cultivars. This study tested the hypotheses that this genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness originates from differential impairment in intermediates of the ABA signalling pathway during closure and differences in leaf ABA concentration during growth.


Stomatal anatomical features and stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, feeding with ABA, three transduction elements of its signalling pathway (H2O2, NO, Ca(2+)) and elicitors of these elements were determined in four rose cultivars grown at moderate (60 %) and high (90 %) RH. Leaf ABA concentration was assessed throughout the photoperiod and following mild desiccation (10 % leaf weight loss).


Stomatal responsiveness to desiccation and ABA feeding was little affected by high RH in two cultivars, whereas it was considerably attenuated in two other cultivars (thus termed sensitive). Leaf ABA concentration was lower in plants grown at high RH, an effect that was more pronounced in the sensitive cultivars. Mild desiccation triggered an increase in leaf ABA concentration and equalized differences between leaves grown at moderate and high RH. High RH impaired stomatal responses to all transduction elements, but cultivar differences were not observed.


High RH resulted in decreased leaf ABA concentration during growth as a result of lack of water deficit, since desiccation induced ABA accumulation. Sensitive cultivars underwent a larger decrease in leaf ABA concentration rather than having a higher ABA concentration threshold for inducing stomatal functioning. However, cultivar differences in stomatal closure following ABA feeding were not apparent in response to H2O2 and downstream elements, indicating that signalling events prior to H2O2 generation are involved in the observed genotypic variation.

Sto­mata util­ize only a small por­tion of their oper­at­ing capacity

Photo credit: AoB Blog


Genetic determinants of stomatal conductance


28TH OF MARCH 2015

Leaf gas exchange is influ­enced by sto­matal size, dens­ity, dis­tri­bu­tion between the leaf adaxial and abaxial sides, as well as by pore dimen­sions.

Fanourakis et al. intro­gress seg­ments of Solanum pen­nelli into a S. lycoper­sicum cul­tivar to gen­er­ate 54 intro­gres­sion lines (Ils), which they study in order to determ­ine which traits under­lie genetic dif­fer­ences in oper­at­ing sto­matal con­duct­ance (gs). They find a wide genetic vari­ation in sto­matal respons­ive­ness to desic­ca­tion, a large part of which is explained by sto­matal length.

Read the full text: AoB Blog

ABA and genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness


Foliar abscisic acid content underlies genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness after growth at high relative air humidity

by Giday H., Fanourakis D., Kjaer K. H., Fomsgaard I. S., Ottosen C.-O. (2013a)

in Ann. Bot. 112(9): 1857-1867

(CrossRef, Medline).


Background and Aims Stomata formed at high relative air humidity (RH) respond less to abscisic acid (ABA), an effect that varies widely between cultivars. This study tested the hypotheses that this genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness originates from differential impairment in intermediates of the ABA signalling pathway during closure and differences in leaf ABA concentration during growth.

Methods Stomatal anatomical features and stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, feeding with ABA, three transduction elements of its signalling pathway (H2O2, NO, Ca2+) and elicitors of these elements were determined in four rose cultivars grown at moderate (60 %) and high (90 %) RH. Leaf ABA concentration was assessed throughout the photoperiod and following mild desiccation (10 % leaf weight loss).

Key Results Stomatal responsiveness to desiccation and ABA feeding was little affected by high RH in two cultivars, whereas it was considerably attenuated in two other cultivars (thus termed sensitive). Leaf ABA concentration was lower in plants grown at high RH, an effect that was more pronounced in the sensitive cultivars. Mild desiccation triggered an increase in leaf ABA concentration and equalized differences between leaves grown at moderate and high RH. High RH impaired stomatal responses to all transduction elements, but cultivar differences were not observed.

Conclusions High RH resulted in decreased leaf ABA concentration during growth as a result of lack of water deficit, since desiccation induced ABA accumulation. Sensitive cultivars underwent a larger decrease in leaf ABA concentration rather than having a higher ABA concentration threshold for inducing stomatal functioning. However, cultivar differences in stomatal closure following ABA feeding were not apparent in response to H2O2 and downstream elements, indicating that signalling events prior to H2O2generation are involved in the observed genotypic variation.

See the text: Ann. of Bot.

A growth [ABA]-related threshold for stomatal sensitivity to desiccation

Photo credit: JXB

Fig. 4.

Leaflet relative water content (RWC) following overnight (12h) rehydration, as a function of RWC before rehydration of pot rose ‘Mandarina’ grown at moderate (60%, A) or high (90%, B) relative air humidity (RH) under different soil water deficit treatments. Control plants at each RH were maintained well-watered based on evapotranspiration (continuous line). The soil water deficit treatment was obtained by adjusting the irrigation to 1/4 of evapotranspiration throughout growth (fine dashed line; see soil water potential in Fig. 1). The rehydration method used was independent of the stomatal component. Values are means of 15 leaflets ±SEM.

Threshold response of stomatal closing ability to leaf abscisic acid concentration during growth

by Giday H., Fanourakis D., Kjaer K. H., Fomsgaard I. S., Ottosen C.-O. (2014)

in J. Exp. Bot. 65(15): 4361-4370

(CrossRef, Medline).


Leaf abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]) during growth influences morpho-physiological traits associated with the plant’s ability to cope with stress. A dose–response curve between [ABA] during growth and the leaf’s ability to regulate water loss during desiccation or rehydrate upon re-watering was obtained.

Rosa hybrida plants were grown at two relative air humidities (RHs, 60% or 90%) under different soil water potentials (–0.01, –0.06, or –0.08MPa) or upon grafting onto the rootstock of a cultivar sustaining [ABA] at elevated RH. Measurements included [ABA], stomatal anatomical features, stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, and the ability of leaves, desiccated to varying degrees, to recover their weight (rehydrate) following re-watering.

Transpiration efficiency (plant mass per transpired water) was also determined. Soil water deficit resulted in a lower transpiration rate and higher transpiration efficiency at both RHs. The lowest [ABA] was observed in well-watered plants grown at high RH. [ABA] was increased by soil water deficit or grafting, at both RHs.

The growth environment-induced changes in stomatal size were mediated by [ABA]. When [ABA] was increased from the level of (well-watered) high RH-grown plants to the value of (well-watered) plants grown at moderate RH, stomatal responsiveness was proportionally improved. A further increase in [ABA] did not affect stomatal responsiveness to desiccation. [ABA] was positively related to the ability of dehydrated leaves to rehydrate.

The data indicate a growth [ABA]-related threshold for stomatal sensitivity to desiccation, which was not apparent either for stomatal size or for recovery (rehydration) upon re-watering.

Read the full text: JXB

Smaller stomata and drought


Smaller stomata require less severe leaf drying to close: A case study in Rosa hydrida

Habtamu Giday -
Habtamu Giday –

Katrine Kjaer -
Katrine Kjaer –

Dimitrios Fanourakis -
Dimitrios Fanourakis –

by Giday H. , Kjaer K. H., Fanourakis D., Ottosen C.-O. (2013b)

in Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 170, no. 15, pp. 1309 – 1316, 2013. –



Stomata formed at high relative air humidity (RH) close less as leaf dries; an effect that varies depending on the genotype.

We here quantified the contribution of each stomatal response characteristic to the higher water loss of high RH-grown plants, and assessed the relationship between response characteristics and intraspecific variation in stomatal size.

Stomatal size (length multiplied by width), density and responsiveness to desiccation, as well as pore dimensions were analyzed in ten rose cultivars grown at moderate (60%) or high (85%) RH. Leaf morphological components and transpiration at growth conditions were also assessed. High growth RH resulted in thinner (11%) leaves with larger area.

A strong positive genetic correlation of daytime and nighttime transpiration at either RH was observed. Stomatal size determined pore area (r = 0.7) and varied by a factor of two, as a result of proportional changes in length and width.

Size and density of stomata were not related. Following desiccation, high RH resulted in a significantly lower (6–19%) decline of transpiration in three cultivars, whereas the relative water content (RWC) of high RH-expanded leaflets was lower (29–297%) in seven cultivars. The lower RWC of these leaflets was caused by (a) higher (33–72%) stable transpiration and/or (b) lower (12–143%) RWC at which this stable transpiration occurred, depending on the cultivar.

Stomatal size was significantly correlated with both characteristics (r = 0.5 and -0.7, respectively).

These results indicate that stomatal size explains much of the intraspecific variation in the regulation of transpiration upon water deprivation on rose.

See the text: Science Direct

Read the full article: Researchgate

Stomatal functioning and air humidity

Avoiding high relative air humidity during critical stages of leaf ontogeny is decisive for stomatal functioning

by Fanourakis D., Carvalho S. M. P., Almeida D. P. F., Heuvelink E. (2011)

in Physiol. Plant.142(3): 274-286

(CrossRef, Medline).


Plants of several species, if grown at high relative air humidity (RH ≥85%), develop stomata that fail to close fully in case of low leaf water potential.

We studied the effect of a reciprocal change in RH, at different stages of leaf expansion of Rosa hybrida grown at moderate (60%) or high (95%) RH, on the stomatal closing ability. This was assessed by measuring the leaf transpiration rate in response to desiccation once the leaves had fully expanded. For leaves that started expanding at high RH but completed their expansion after transfer to moderate RH, the earlier this switch took place the better the stomatal functioning.

Leaves initially expanding at moderate RH and transferred to high RH exhibited poor stomatal functioning, even when this transfer occurred very late during leaf expansion.

Applying a daily abscisic acid (ABA) solution to the leaves of plants grown at continuous high RH was effective in inducing stomatal closure at low water potential, if done before full leaf expansion (FLE). After FLE, stomatal functioning was no longer affected either by the RH or ABA level.

The results indicate that the degree of stomatal adaptation depends on both the timing and duration of exposure to high RH. It is concluded that stomatal functionality is strongly dependent on the humidity at which the leaf completed its expansion. The data also show that the effect of ambient RH and the alleviating role of ABA are restricted to the period of leaf expansion.

See the text: NCBI