Stomata in a variety of Zea mays

Figure 1: Stomata terminology. A: Anomocytic B: Actinocytic C: Anisocytic D: Bicytic-paracytic E: Bicytic-dicytic F: Tetracytic G: Hexacytic. Sources: Rasmussen (1981); Van Cotthem (1970).


Morphological and Phytodermological Evaluation of Oka-Uselu (Maize- Zea mays L.)

by Omoigui D. O., Osawaru M. E., Aiwansoba R. O., Ogwu M. C. (2016)

Omoigui, D.O.1; Osawaru, M.E.1; Aiwansoba, R.O.1 and Ogwu, M.C.1,2*

1 Department of Plant Biology & Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.

2 Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, South Korea.



in Applied Tropical Agriculture 21 (3), 96-101 – –

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Plate 2: Improved maize cultivar stomata (Adaxial). Plate 3: Improved maize cultivar stomata (Abaxial). stomata (Adaxial). Plate 4: Oka-Uselu stomata (Abaxial). Magnification x400



Oka-Uselu is an indigenous maize variety (Zea mays), which is the main grain crop of the Benin speaking people of Edo state, Southern Nigeria.

In this study, Oka Uselu was compared with an improved maize cultivar [IMC] using plant height, leaf length and width, tassel number, cob per plant, kernel per cob and tassel length. Both maize varieties were collected within Edo State and planted at the Experimental Field of University of Benin, Nigeria.

Morphological results revealed that Oka-Uselu was true bred by maintaining all its features such as early flowering, short height and small sized cobs, which were well set. The IMC had higher values for all the morphological characters evaluated.

The stomata of both varieties were amphistomatic with stomata found on both surfaces. Stomata on the adaxial surface were larger than those of abaxial surface. More so, the epidermal morphology revealed mature paracytic and epidermal walls sinuously walled, stomata abnormality were completely absent.

The results of this study suggest that Oka-Uselu is a promising maize variety that may be improved for dry season production.